1.a. Is international shipping available?
Shipping is available to Alaska and Hawaii on all items. However, for heavier items that are usually shipped via UPS, shipping expenses can be quite high.
2. Is a combined shipping & handling rate available for multiple purchases?
Combined shipping & handling is automatically calculated for purchases from our online store. All items must be purchased / paid for in a single checkout session to qualify for combined shipping. Items which must be shipped in their own box, and are therefore charged separately by the carrier (UPS or USPS) generally won't benefit from combined shipping.
3. How is an order placed?
There are several ways to place any order. You can place the order and pay for the items directly from our online store. You can also call us on weekdays to place an order. You can fax us a purchase order (661-295-9675). You can send us an email ([email protected]) with a note on items (and quantity) you wish to purchase. Lastly, you can fill out an online order form and email it to us. If you would like to place an order via fax or email, please be sure to provide the following information: Company name, your contact name, address, phone #, fax #, email address, item # being ordered and quantity. We will then confirm your order, as well as the estimated shipping date and shipping costs, if any. All orders must be prepaid before we will ship.
4. Are recurring orders available?
We can work with you to set up a recurring order process if you use a particular quantity of a given item on an ongoing basis.
5. What payment methods are accepted?
Unless otherwise arranged, payment is due at the time of shipping. We accept VISA, Mastercard and PayPal ([email protected]) for payment.
If your purchase is not made from our online store, VISA and Mastercard information must be obtained/verified via fax or telephone; it is against VISA/Mastercard requirements to accept email submissions of cardholder information. We will therefore not process your order if you email us with the credit card information.
Payment terms are also accepted for selected California business customers. If you will be purchasing in large quantities and would like to apply for a credit account with us, please contact us for details.
6. Are orders taxable?
Sales to California customers are subject to the local sales tax rate unless you have a resale permit and intend to purchase the items for resale. You will need to fax us (661-295-9675) a copy of your resale certificate for sales tax to be waived.
7. Are discounts available for volume purchases?
Discounts may be available for some items if purchased in bulk. Many of these items are already listed in multiple quantities at discounted prices in our online store. If you need a special price quote on a particularly large purchase, just let us know. You can always submit a Price Quote Request for our evaluation.
8. When are orders shipped?
Orders are usually shipped within one business day after we have confirmed the order with you. For orders placed on non-holiday weekdays, if we receive your payment by 3:30pm PST, we will generally ship the same day or transmit your order to a regional distribution center. For full case quantity UPS shipments of non-eyewear items, we always strive to ship your order from the closest distribution center to you, via the most economical shipping option possible that will ensure the merchandise arrives at your door within 5 business days. We utilize USPS, UPS, Fed-Ex, contract trucking and personal delivery, depending on what works best for your order. If you need rush delivery, please let us know when you place your order. Please note - Rush delivery means that you need an expedited delivery service, such as Express Mail. It doesn't mean you want us to work faster to get the order out the door as soon as possible; we do that for all orders without being asked.
9. Is will-call available?
Will-call is available for selected orders from our online store. We also have a showroom to display some of our products. However, for faster service, it is better if you already know what you want before you contact us about picking up your order in person. Please contact first to confirm local product availability and staff availability in the office. We will then coordinate a time for order pick-up with you and provide you with our physical address. Your order will be pulled and will await your pick-up. Orders must be paid in full upon pick-up (cash, local check, money order, credit card or PayPal).
10. What is the procedure for a refund or an exchange?